Ronja Räubertochter


Ronja Räubertochter is a book written in German by Astrid Lindgren, suitable for 10-12-year-olds.

It is the story of Ronja, the daughter of the robber chief Mattis and his wife, Lovis. Ronja grows up in Mattisburg ( A castle named after her father) in the Mattiswald( the forest named after her father) together with her parents, Glatzen Per ( the old and wise robber), and the gang of robbers. 

One day she meets Birk, the son of the robber chief Borka and his wife, Undis. Borka's gang and the Mattis gang are arch enemies and rivals, and the two often fight for their share whenever they loot people crossing the forest. Both the gangs live in the same castle, which was broken into two parts by a lightning strike on the day Ronja and Birk were born. 

Influenced by their father's beliefs, Ronja and Birk dislike each other initially. But through their encounters with each other and by helping each other in difficult situations, they become close friends - so close that they start considering themselves siblings. 

But the fathers disagree, leading to Ronja and Birk leaving their respective homes and living in the forest together. But eventually, the love for their parents and the inability to survive the winter brings them back home. Soon after, the rival gangs decide to reconcile and come together to fight a common enemy. 

Here are some of the things that appealed the most to me:

-The story beautifully portrays the love between a father and daughter. The author artfully describes the ups and downs in their relationship and how, in the end, how their deep love for each other wins over everything else. 

-The book also brings forward a very strong woman character-Lovis ( Ronja's mother), who is rigid and soft, lenient, and at the same time, a strict disciplinarian. She plays a vital role in bringing everyone together and is a strong binding force that keeps everything in order.

-The sibling love between Ronja and Birk is wonderfully depicted. It showcases how a strong feeling of love can empower and make one strong. Their adventures in the forest are a treat for the readers.

-The character of Glatzer Per, the wise older man and an erstwhile robber who lives with the robber gang and is their chief adviser, is charming. The wisdom he shares with Matis is not always welcome, but he is persistent, frank, and bold in saying what he believes in. His character is heartwarming and sweet. 

Overall, Ronja Räubertochter is a beautiful read and a page-turner. Children would undoubtedly find it interesting.

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